[tie_index]General Terms[/tie_index]

The following terms of use apply to all your use of the Money and Business Black Network website and its link is: https://bipns.com/. The website will be referred to as we, us, or any other term that refers to the Money and Business Black Network website.

Terms of use of the website

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  • Any link and links on the website leads you to another website or any other means. If you access these websites and the means by which you make transactions with them and / or through them, this will be subject to separate terms of use and terms of theirs, and we have no business with them.
  • We reserve our full right to stop, disable, terminate or suspend your use of the website at any time and by any means, and this is according to a clear belief or goodwill that you have breached or attempted to breach a condition or terms of use.
  • The website does not provide a commitment, warranty or statement that the information and data provided here will be completely or partially accurate. To be completely safe, we advise you to read the disclaimer and clarify the risks specific to the website.
  • We may update or develop the website in whole or in part and from time to time, continuously or intermittently.
  • We may perform regular or emergency maintenance of the website from time to time.
  • We may change the content from time to time. And anything related to the content in every way you can get acquainted with it by how we earn money.
  • We may completely or partially suspend the website.
  • We may withdraw the entire website at any time without notice.
    The content of the website may be out of date at any time.
  • User comments, materials and posts on the website are not considered in any way applicable, guidance or advice. So you should take all precautions and caution.
  • The website disclaims all responsibility for any profit, risk, or loss that occurred as a result of your application and your endorsement of other users’ materials, comments, and comments on the website.



You expressly undertake and agree that you will abide by the following:

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  • You use the website according to the terms of use, for decent purposes and under penalty of law.
  • You use and browse the website in any and all forms and methods available in accordance with the laws, provisions and rules of practice within your home country.
  • You use and browse the website in any and all forms and methods available in accordance with the laws, provisions and rules of practice within any country, you browse the website in it.
  • You use the website in the correct and proper manner that does not and will not affect the website rights and / or the rights of a third party.
  • Connect and reach the website by legal means only. And you will not use any illegal or fraudulent method or means to access the website.
  • You will not seek or do the work of injecting, publishing, uploading, sending, presenting, or any other means, the purpose of which is to make information available from you on the website. And this is through fraudulent methods and without obtaining a permit through us.
  • You will not attack the website through denial of service attacks and / or distributed denial of service attacks. (Dos).
  • You will not attack, distort, alter or interfere with the website’s front end and / or the backend of the website and / or the general view of the website.
  • In the event that you are given permission to submit content on the website, it will not be harmful, threatening, disturbing, or anything else that might affect others.
  • In the event that you are given permission to submit content on the website, it will not be morals, immoral, offensive, slanderous, hateful or anything else that might affect others.
  • If you are given permission to submit content on the website, it will not bear racial, ethnic, or religious discrimination, or anything else that might affect others.
  • You will not upload or download material, imposing a sudden, large, unreasonable, untidy and disproportionate load, with the capabilities of the website and its infrastructure.
  • You will not extract or copy our website completely or partially or similarly to the website and provide it to the user via another website on the basis that it is different from our website.
  • If you are given permission to use the website, and this is according to the form approved between us and you, you are solely responsible for those who browse the website, through the permission granted to you by us. They adhere to and comply with the terms and conditions of the website and are aware of them.


[tie_index]Intellectual Rights[/tie_index]

Intellectual property rights

Trademarks, copyrights, property rights and property rights of the direct database of us and others listed in all forms on the website are under the protection of Internet Protocol rights and business related laws on the World Wide Web (the Internet).

Terms of use do not give you a share or ownership shares according to your commitment only. Rather, any ownership share granted to you must be carried out legally and with a license from your website according to the rules in force in this regard.

You may and we grant you the right to do the following without our written consent:

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  • Viewing, downloading or copying the content of the website to the hard disk attached to your computer for the purpose of providing information.
  • Citing the website’s content via and through your website and / or other means with adding a link to our content page and / or mentioning the name of our website. This is up to you because there are means of publishing and transferring content that impose some conditions and restrictions on publishing and integrating links to websites within the content that you host.


You are not entitled to do the following without obtaining our written consent:

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  • Viewing, downloading, copying, reproducing, modifying, altering, distributing, publishing, broadcasting, advertising, displaying, transmitting, selling, sending, mediation, or any other means of the website’s content, for commercial, entertainment, educational, direct, or non-productive purposes Directly for any other purpose or a derived purpose.
  • Create a formula or electronic or manual formats for the website database, website content, or anything related to the website.
  • Selling, publication, distribution, or free distribution of the website copy you obtained and uploaded to the hard disk attached to your computer for the purpose of providing information to you only.
  • Use any and all images, video clips, sound clips, graphics or illustrations separately from and without the accompanying text.
  • Removing the logo and slogan of the website and notices of the right of ownership, trademark and trademarks, whether they are owned by us and / or owned by others, and we have the right to transfer or publish them through us, shareholders or website writers. This is if these materials are glued to the content or should be included with your permitted copy states.
  • Distribute, copy, withdraw, download or display the website’s content for the benefit of a third party.
  • Uploading, injecting, storing, displaying, or any other form of content for the purpose of presenting it to a third party on the website for a short, long, hidden, or temporary period.


Your questions

If you have a question or concern regarding a part or everything mentioned here, please do not hesitate to contact us via this form.