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Category: NFT News

Sushi Community Decries Core Team Deleting Governance Forum and Ignoring Snapshots

Community members claim Sushi’s core team are treating themselves to undisclosed salary and bonuses.

Drama is once again enveloping Sushi, with community members accusing the project’s core team of deleting its governance forum and ignoring snapshot votes amid pushback against it financial management.

On Feb. 29, Naim Boubziz, a former core contributor to Sushi, a veteran decentralized exchange, tweeted that the project’s current core team had deleted its governance forum amid pushback against its use of treasury funds.

Boubziz followed up on March 4, flagging that the Sushi Operations Team had deleted four snapshot governance proposals calling for the forum to be restored in addition to greater transparency regarding the use of treasury funds. Bouziz added that the team had restricted the creation of new Snapshot votes to core team members only.

The governance forum was reinstated on March 5, with discussions revealing deep tensions between the project’s community and team. The snapshot votes remain deleted.