Smoothie Diet

The Vitamin Shoppe CEO on leading by example

By Published On: April 11, 20242 min readViews: 4330 Comments on The Vitamin Shoppe CEO on leading by example
Speaking to a crowd of 900 at The Vitamin Shoppe Summit in Grapevine, Texas last week, Wright credited his weight loss success to his coworkers. 

“I’ve lost about 30 pounds as I became full-time CEO, and this is thanks to your education, your inspiration, and the great news is I have more muscle mass [than] I’ve had in 20 years as well,” he said. “I still got the dad bod, but it’s much closer to the younger dad bod.”

Speaking to NutraIngredients-USA at the Summit—an event Wright describes as “The Super Bowl of education for Health Enthusiasts”—he discussed his health journey and vision for the company as he embarks on his one-year anniversary as CEO. 

“Our motto of lifelong wellness starts here, and I really took that to heart,” he said. “I realized that lifelong wellness needs to start with me here with me as well. And I did it. I wanted to ensure that I was leading by example and I was setting that example, and they [the Health Enthusiasts] inspired me. And they educated me as I traveled to stores, as I met with Health Enthusiasts, and I asked them so many questions about products.

“I was able to really create what I view as a foundational supplement stack to help my life, and it’s been a full transformation for me personally in terms of the amount of weight I’ve lost, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, just better health building muscles. So it’s been a full transformation all due to the Health Enthusiasts of The Vitamin Shoppe who truly inspired me, educated me, motivated me everyday.”

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