Category: Forex News

Australian weekly consumer confidence 81.7 (prior 82.2)

By Published On: March 19, 20240.8 min readViews: 4550 Comments on Australian weekly consumer confidence 81.7 (prior 82.2)

ANZ-Roy Morgan Australian Consumer Confidence index is published weekly, comes in at 81.7

  • prior week 82.2

ANZ comments:

  • ANZ-Roy Morgan Australian Consumer Confidence was broadly unchanged
    last week. Inflation expectations fell (down 0.1% on thee week to 4.8%) to their lowest level since
    February 2022
  • Confidence amongst households paying off a mortgage declined 6.4pts to its lowest level this year, despite expectations the RBA will keep the cash rate on hold today. Confidence amongst renters remains weak, declining 1.8pts.

Coming up later from Australia is the March policy meeting, no cash rate change is expected:

Current RBA Cash Rate and Australian inflation rates

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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