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Category: Forex News

China Ambassador to Australia says review into tariffs on Australian wine progressing well

China’s review of tariffs
it placed on Australian wine is progressing well, Chinese
Ambassador Xiao Qian told a conference in Sydney.

the background to this is that China slapped Australian products with tariffs in retailation for US moves against China back during the Trump administration. Australia is a key US ally and a very small global player. Australia was thus easy to kick around by Chinese Communist Party thugs.

One of the imposts was punitive tariffs on Australian wines. In recent years relations between Australia and China have warmed somewhat. But tariffs on Australian wines persist.

Last week local Australian media reported that China will remove the wine tariffs at the end of March. China’s review of the imposts is scheduled to report then.

ps. ICYMI, more from Elon here (unrelated):

Does Elon Musk hate gold up here?

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