Category: Forex News

China and Australia foreign ministers met – China says the two economies are complementary

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Australia’s Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong. Comments from the Chinese side:

  • The economies of China and Australia are highly complementary and
    have great potential
  • Stressed that since
    China-Australia relations are on the right track, we must not
    hesitate, deviate or turn back
  • Regarding China’s
    sovereignty, dignity and legitimate concerns, we hope that Australian
    side will continue to abide by commitments it has made, respect and
    properly handle them
  • The most important
    thing is to persist in seeking common ground while reserving
  • Every time we meet,
    the mutual trust between two sides increases by one point, and
    China-Australia relations take a step forward
  • Hope that the
    momentum of this good interaction will continue

Sounds great, if all a little hollow.

AUD benefits when Australian relations with China improve and Australia can export more to its huge neighbour.

Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong with PM Albanese

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