Smoothie Diet

Feminine Hormone Support Teas : MyOva teas

By Published On: April 11, 20240.7 min readViews: 3990 Comments on Feminine Hormone Support Teas : MyOva teas
MyOva teas are a series of new products from the women’s normal health brand to provide support for the various issues that women deal with on a daily basis. The teas come in three options including the Pre + Post Menstrual Support Tea, Hormonal Balance Tea and the Digestive Support Tea, which are each formulated by a naturopath and an herbalist. The teas are each crafted with a botanical blend of ingredients with vitamins to boot to give them the ability to alleviate some of the specific hormonal concerns that women have.Founder Leila Martyn spoke on the MyOva teas saying, “At MyOva, our commitment has always been to empower women with science-backed, natural solutions for their wellbeing. With this new range, we are expanding our offerings to provide even more holistic options for managing female hormonal health.”

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