Category: Gold News

Ohio oil producers hit gusher as production surges

By Published On: April 11, 20244.2 min readViews: 4260 Comments on Ohio oil producers hit gusher as production surges

When the energy boom took off in eastern Ohio, the general thought was that the Utica shale was an area primarily rich in natural gas.

Now oil production is also starting to surge.

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Oil production in Ohio hit a record 27.8 million barrels in 2023, up 41% from 2022, according to researchers at the Levin College of Public Affairs and Education at Cleveland State University who have tracked production since 2011. In December alone, eastern Ohio oil wells pumped 93,000 barrels of crude, up one third from December 2022, according to federal data.

Ohio has become one of the top 10 oil producers in the country. It already was one of the biggest producers of natural gas.

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