Swapping coffee for this hot drink may prevent dementia and boost brain health
A new Japanese study has found that switching out your coffee for a green tea in your older years can help with dementia – among other benefits.
Coffee, which tends to have 102-200mg of caffeine per 230ml, has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects. But it doesn’t compare to the long-term positive effects of green tea, which has a gentler 30-50mg per cup, and is known to have ingredients that promote the breakdown of fat cells, the Telegraph reported.
The protective effects of green tea help your brain avoid something called “amyloid β” build up. Amyloid β is the main component of plaque found in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease.
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“In addition to brain changes, green tea has a potential to lower blood pressure that could contribute to its protective effects, as this is a key risk factor for cerebral white matter lesions,” Rob Hobson, an award-winning nutritionist and author, said. “Overall this makes it a better option for your morning brew.”
But one cup a day won’t cut it, the study suggest that the benefits are gained through drinking green tea three to eight times a day. And there’s more benefits than simply supporting cognition, green tea can help with weight loss, cancer, and heart disease.
According to Hobson, the EGCG antioxidant found in green tea can lower the risk of breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers. “It’s thought to reduce the risk of abnormal cell division. It works by encouraging healthy cell death, and preventing the formation of new blood vessels that can support the growth of tumours,” he said.
A 2022 review of studies also found evidence that green tea can help prevent heart disease. Regularly drinking green tea can lower many of the risk factors associated with heart disease, including blood pressure and lipids.
“Green tea contains catechins and some other ‘polyphenol’ antioxidants that we think may improve blood vessel function. They are thought to keep veins, arteries and capillaries flexible and that keeps blood flow efficient and prevents blockages, all of which contribute to better heart health,” Hobson said.
Hobson also notes that the reduced amount of white matter lesions from the recent Japanese study, are linked to vascular issues like poor blood flow or high blood pressure, but more clinical evidence is needed to confirm the findings.
And finally green tea can help with weight loss, which can help people avoid certain diseases. It is well known that carrying extra fat leads to serious health consequences such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers, that can all cause premature death and substantial disability.
But there is evidence suggesting that green tea contains substances that boost metabolism, helping to break down fat cells, including the antioxidant EGCG that increases the levels of norepinephrine which promotes the breakdown of fat cells. The catechins green tea contain, as well as the caffeine, also help break down fats in a process called fat oxidation.
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