Category: Forex News

TradingView Enhances DeFi Tools on Polygon via QuickSwap Partnership — TradingView News

TradingView, a platform for financial analysis and trading, has announced a collaboration with QuickSwap, a decentralized exchange and DeFi ecosystem operating on Polygon. This collaboration aims to enhance the trading experience on QuickSwap’s decentralized Perpetual Exchange (QuickPerps) interface by integrating TradingView Advanced Charts.

Decentralized Trading with QuickPerps: Up to 50x Leverage

QuickSwap is known for its fast and low-cost transactions across multiple Polygon chains, leveraging the network’s interoperability and infrastructure. The integration of TradingView Advanced Charts into QuickPerps is set to further enrich the platform’s efficiency. QuickPerps allows users to trade perpetual swap contracts with leverage of up to 50x in a decentralized and permissionless manner.

The integration merges QuickSwap’s efficient trading environment with TradingView’s charting tools, including high-performance charts supplied with real-time data from trusted sources, multiple drawing tools, and various indicators. This collaboration is designed to elevate the trading experience on QuickPerps, providing traders with advanced tools to make well-informed decisions within the decentralized finance space.

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